Have a Party Perfect Smile this Season


Want to straighten your smile, but don’t want the appearance of a metal brace for your Christmas party?

Tis’ the season for partying, socialising, indulgent food and mulled wine!

You may assume, with all of the shenanigans taking place, that the festive season could be the wrong time of year to commence with your Smilelign treatment

Fear not! So long as you take care of your clear brace and your teeth, your orthodontic treatment won’t stop you from embracing the festivities. If anything, a clear brace is perfect for the holidays - allowing you to straighten your smile without a metal brace steering the attention away from your glitzy attire.

Despite being simple, Smilelign clear braces do still require TLC to maximise your treatment.

They’re Invisible!

The Christmas season, and life in general for most people, is typically social - with staff parties, family gatherings and activities galore.

You may have been considering teeth straightening options, but don’t want the look of a metal brace for the festive period. Smilelign aligners are crafted from a thin, clear plastic that is moulded to the shapes and contours of your teeth.


Pictured above is Laura who is wearing our Smilelign clear braces - did you notice them?

They’re Removable

A metal brace can be inconvenient, especially when it comes to eating certain foods and drinks. Smilelign clear braces are removable, allowing you to eat whatever you like during treatment.

However, it’s important to limit the amount of time you spend without your aligners in, as you should be wearing them for 24 hours a day for effective treatment and maximum tooth movement, only removing for eating & drinking or cleaning your teeth.

The food around Christmas time is also typically rich and sweet, which is certainly tasty but not the best for you teeth (especially if it becomes lodged within your clear brace).

It’s important to remember that your aligners are moulded to your teeth - therefore holding any debris tightly against your them. You might assume that those mince pies are disappearing entirely down your throat, but that’s not the case, as they’re coating your teeth in a microscopic layer first.

When feasting on your indulgent Christmas treats, it’s probably a good idea to take a travel toothbrush in your clutch to clean your teeth before re-inserting your clear brace. Acidic and sugary foods aren’t great for your enamel, especially if they become trapped within your aligner.

Lodged food and drink can lead to enamel erosion and tooth wear which isn’t great for your teeth or the look of your Smilelign clear brace

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your Christmas treats, but just ensure you’re washing away any debris away before re-inserting your Smilelign aligners.

They’re comfortable

Regular train-track braces can be uncomfortable, causing rubs and sores on the inside of your mouth.

Discomfort is the last thing you want when you’re partying - especially if you’re trying to have a good time and socialise. Smilelign clear braces are not only invisible, but also comfortable - allowing you to party away without the pain of metal prodding your cheeks.

You should expect a little bit of discomfort when you first wear your clear brace, but this soon passes as you become accustomed to the feeling, allowing you to embrace the festive period.

Fancy straightening your smile in style this season? Find your nearest provider: https://smilelign.com/find-your-local-provider

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