How to Fix My Buck Teeth?


What are Buck Teeth?

Buck teeth, also known as protruding teeth (or technically as overjet) - is a misalignment of the teeth whereby the front teeth vertically overlap the bottom teeth.

Much like the late rock god, Freddie Mercury, most people choose to live with their buck teeth - embracing the look and avoiding treatment. However, for others it can be more of an issue for their self-confidence, or a preventative measure against damage to their teeth and gums.

Causes of Buck Teeth

Protruding teeth are often hereditary and passed down through the generations. However, childhood habits like thumb-sucking and dummy use are some of the other possible causes of buck teeth.

Thumb-sucking and dummies are a common comfort for infants, with the habit sometimes lasting into early childhood. Whilst the baby teeth are coming through, the impact of thumb sucking/dummies isn’t as serious - as baby teeth often fall out from the ages of five or six.

However, the habit can become an issue if it continues into early childhood - applying pressure to the newly formed adult teeth and causing them to protrude. Your parents weren’t being merciless when they confiscated your dummy - they were trying to save your teeth!

Risks of Buck Teeth

In most cases, buck teeth are harmless and don’t affect the individual. However, in more serious cases buck teeth can have health risks, affecting the wearer’s bite and causing further implications.

Side effects of protruding teeth include:

  • speech impediments

  • breathing issues

  • chewing deficiencies

  • damage to other teeth and gums

  • pain when chewing or biting

  • alterations in the appearance of the face

If your protruding teeth are causing any of the above symptoms, it’s important to seek treatment - preventing any further implications and making your life a whole lot more comfortable.

Can Smilelign aligners fix buck teeth?

The answer is YES! Smilelign aligners can treat a variety of cases, including protruding teeth.

If your case is severe, you may require orthodontic treatment - so it’s important to speak with your dentist who will be able to advise further. If your case isn’t severe, your protruding teeth should be relatively straightforward to treat, with most cases complete within the year.

If your teeth are suitable for treatment, you will be administered a series of Smilelign clear aligners every two weeks, gradually moving your protruding teeth into their desired position.

Smilelign clear braces are invisible, slimline and comfortable - fitting into your lifestyle seamlessly.

Do you have a case of protruding teeth that you want to treat? Why not find your nearest Smilelign dentist and discus your treatment options today!

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