YUM! Foods that are great for your oral health


Here at Smilelign, we’re pretty passionate about smiles and teeth health.

Teeth brushing and flossing, avoiding sugary treats and visiting your dentist regularly - there are many steps you can take to improve your teeth health. But did you know that what you eat can also have a big impact on your smile?

This one’s for the cheese lovers!

Packed full of vitamins and calcium, dairy products are well-known for their bone strengthening properties. But did you know that dairy products (such as cheese) are also very beneficial for your teeth?

In a study by Johansson, it was found that milk and cheese could aid in the protection against cavities by creating a buffer against demineralisation. In simpler terms - creating a barrier against acids that can erode away at the surface of your tooth= the enamel.

If there was ever a reason to keep nibbling away at that cheese platter, this is it!

Salmon anyone?

Salmon is known for its general health benefits - but did you know that this fish is also great for your teeth?

Salmon is jam packed with omega 3- fatty acids and vitamin D - which are well known for their bone strengthening properties.

Incorporate more fish into your diet and reap the benefits of stronger gnashers!

Almonds are good for your teeth? That’s nuts!

Almonds are more than just a tasty snack - they are also packed with calcium - a nutrient that is vital for bone strength. What’s more, they’re very low in sugar, meaning you can gnash on as many as you like without damaging your teeth!

Stock up on those almonds and save your teeth!

Sweet potatoes are spudtacular for your teeth!

The saliva in your mouth is essential for preventing cavities and gum disease, cleansing your teeth and washing away stubborn pieces of food. The infamous sweet potato is not only delicious, but also very high in vitamin A - a nutrient that is vital for salivary function.

Try incorporating a few more sweet potatoes into your diet and protect your grin.

You won’t be-leaf this…

Kale is amazing for you and contains two of the essential vitamins for teeth health - vitamin A and vitamin C. These vitamins are very important for repairing and rejuvenating your gum tissue and teeth.

Kale is jam-packed with vitamin A, a nutrient essential in salivary function (as mentioned above). Kale is also rich in Vitamin C- a nutrient that is vital for cell repair and regrowth - keeping your gums nice and healthy.

Something sweet that’s berry good for your smile.

What better way to round off the blog than with something sweet!

We’re often taught that fruit can be damaging to teeth due to it’s high sugar and acid content. Strawberries, however, are the exception and are actually beneficial to your smile.

The collagen in the dentin of teeth depends on vitamin C for maintaining its strength. Strawberries are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants making them great for our smiles.

What’s more, strawberries contain malic acid which is known for it’s bleaching properties. Upping your strawberry intake could not only fulfil your sweet craving but also lighten any stains on your teeth.

Strawberries are clearly an all-round winner when it comes to your dental health!

It’s clear to see that food plays a very important role in the maintenance of our teeth health, providing us with well-needed vitamins.

With Smilelign aligners you don’t have to sacrifice certain food groups, meaning you can eat whatever you like during treatment. Allowing you to strengthen your smile whilst straightening it!

Find your nearest provider of Smilelign aligners, today, by clicking the button below.

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