Smilelign Clear Braces: What to Expect During Treatment?

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It’s important to have an idea of what you’re getting yourself into before commencing with any type of treatment - ensuring that the process will work for you and your lifestyle!

Smilelign clear braces are convenient, simple, effective and don’t take much getting used to. However, it is important to be aware of what occurs during treatment before committing to your Smilelign journey.


Your treatment will begin with a visit to your dentist where they will take your impressions with either a putty-like material or an intraoral scanner. This process is quick and painless - allowing the Smilelign lab to get a good depiction of your teeth.

Once we’ve received your impressions and planned your Smilelign journey, we will send you some Pre-Aligners to assess whether they will fit into your lifestyle. Pre-Aligners are unique to Smilelign and give you a ‘try before you buy' period to get a feel for them before commencing with treatment. Note - these are passive aligners that will not move your teeth, it is merely to get a feel for the treatment.

Once you’ve worn these Pre-Aligners, you can decide whether or not you’re happy to commence with treatment, committing to the the clear brace life!

Starting Treatment

Once you’ve made the (very wise) decision to go ahead with treatment, you will receive your first set of active aligners - taking you one step closer to your straight smile.

When wearing your new clear brace, it will feel tight and slightly uncomfortable for the first few days. However this isn’t something to worry about, as over time this discomfort will pass as you become accustomed to the sensation of your teeth shifting.

During Treatment

You will have to wear your clear braces for 24 hours a day in order to get the best results - giving your new, straight smile the best chance! As the saying goes, good things don’t come easy and that applies to your Smilelign clear brace journey.

One of the top reasons for unsuccessful treatment is low compliancy - where the patient fails to wear their aligner for the prescribed amount of time. To gain the best results, and have the smoothest possible treatment, wear your aligners for the full 24 hours a day! You’ll be thankful in the long run.

It’s also important to clean your brace and teeth after each meal to ensure that your dinner doesn’t become lodged within it. This also goes for any drink other than water. If you fail to clean your teeth, this lodged debris can erode and damage your enamel, as well as looking unsightly. You will also have to clean your aligner twice weekly, with a disinfectant tablet, in order to remove any built-up bacteria!

After wearing your aligners for about 2 weeks they may start to feel loose, which is typically a sign that your clear braces are ready to be changed!

You will receive a notification on your Smilelign app to remind you of the change, and your dentist can provide you with your next set! The cycle will then repeat, eventually becoming second nature.

It’s important to get the full amount of wear out of your Smilelign clear brace before moving onto your next set, however your dentist will brief you on the process to ensure you’re taking the best possible care of your teeth.


After completing treatment, you will not only have your straight new smile - but also the responsibility of retaining it! Teeth have a pesky habit of returning to their original position after braces, so it’s important to wear your retainer to preserve your beautiful new smile!

No two Smilelign cases are the same, and treatment is subjective to each patient. However, this blog should cover what generally occurs during treatment and the steps you should take to gain your new, straight smile!

To start your Smilelign journey click the link below.

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