The Benefit of a Smile!


It’s National Smile Month!

National Smile Month has just begun, a nationwide campaign aiming to champion the benefits of having good oral health, and promoting the values of a healthy smile. Here at Smilelign we of course understand the importance of a smile all too well. 

Smiling is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on ourselves, boosting our mood and improving our well-being, as well as having a positive and uplifting effect on those around us too.

A Smile Goes A Long Way!

1 - Improves mood: 

Smiling triggers the release of endorphins, feel-good chemicals, which promote happiness and reduce stress levels. We all find ourselves in stressful situations, whether it be daily, during work, or occasionally when faced with something we’re not too familiar with. Knowing a smile can have a positive impact and reduce your stress levels is always a helpful tip. So when you find yourself feeling a little anxious/stressed, just give a smile and let those endorphins free. It really does work!

2- Builds relationships:

A smile is a universal language that transcends cultural and language barriers. When you smile at someone, it can help to build a connection and create a positive relationship. We are naturally drawn to people who smile, becoming more attractive to us as we feel more welcomed and comfortable.

3- Makes you approachable:

A smile can make you seem more approachable and friendly, which can help you in social and professional situations. People are often drawn to those who smile feeling more comfortable as it communicates you are happy to see them, without verbally saying so,  this is proven by a study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh.

4 - Boosts confidence and success: 

Smiling can also help to boost your self-esteem. When you smile, you project a positive image of yourself, which can help you feel more self-assured and capable. Carrying this through to when you’re attending work/business meetings, a smile will result in the attendees responding more positively towards you which can often allow more conversation

5 - Improves health: 

Happiness, and smiling can work to relieve stress and reduce anxiety, lower our blood pressure levels, it can act as a natural painkiller (endorphins lessen our perception of pain), it increases blood flow, increases the supply of oxygen and boosts the immune system, great for healing the body. 

To sum up, the importance of a smile is something that  cannot be understated. It is a simple yet powerful tool that can have a significant impact on both your physical and emotional well-being, as well as on those around you. 

Not a fan of your smile? Let's work on that together! Find out more about Smilelign clear aligners and how we can work towards making your smile become your favourite asset. Find out more here!

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