The Best Clear Aligners in the UK!


Smilelign is a great choice for your teeth straightening journey, the series of personalized, clear aligners work precisely to your tooth shape. Your process is completely unique, and planned exactly to your needs. Here’s why you should get started with Smilelign:

1 - More range of movement with Smilelign aligners.

Our practically invisible aligners can move your teeth more millimetres per aligner, when compared to others. You heard that right, more than any alternate clear brace system out there. Impressive right? The result of this, is of course, fewer aligners needed to get you to the end of your treatment. Consequently, reducing your treatment cost, what a win! One of our previous customers claims they are “Extremely happy with my teeth! Very affordable treatment, and fast results.” We’re always so happy to learn about the results of Smilelign treatment, and the happiness that follows a dream smile being achieved.

2 - Right here in the UK!

 Our Smilelign lab, and technicians are all located here in the UK! There’s no need to worry about delayed delivery of your aligners, or lengthy wait times for a response on social media, if you have a question to ask us. We’re always available when you are! 

Not only this, if you’re prone to forgetfulness or have a dog who loves to chew anything it can get hold of, don't worry! Our turnaround time means your new aligner can be back with you without having any concern of reducing the effectiveness of your treatment. A huge advantage of being UK based.

3 - Watch how your smile progresses in a matter of seconds!

Join thousands of happy, smiling customers in the UK. Don’t just take our word for it! Some Smilelign patients, who have finished their treatment recently, have a few things to say. “My treatment was a simple, easy process”. Smilelign maps out your journey from start to finish, your dentist will show you the animated treatment plan, and you can watch your results unfold before your treatment has even started.  Just sit back, wear your aligners and watch your smile change!

4 -  Try before you buy.

Never had aligners/retainers before, not sure if you will be able to get used to having something unfamiliar in your mouth? Not to worry, Smilelign offers a try before you buy option, before committing to your treatment plan fully. Exclusive to Smilelign, our pre-aligners allow you to become familiar with the feel of aligners, and get into a routine of wearing them in day-to-day life. This of course saves both time, and money for yourself if you decide they aren’t for you, which is totally fine, at least you didn’t waste any money!

5 - Invisible.

Wanting to keep your treatment discreet? We’ve got you covered! Our aligners are moulded precisely to your tooth shape, ticking both comfort and subtlety off of your list. By the aligners being an exact fit, no one will notice them, the perfect way to make sure your day-to-day doesn’t have to change. Their thin yet durable material also makes sure your speech isn't compromised whilst you get used to wearing them. 

It’s never too late to get clear braces! Modern treatments, like Smilelign, have made teeth straightening more discreet, and convenient, than ever. If you want to start your journey with us, click below and find the provider who’s closest to you. We can’t wait to see your results!

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