Day To Day Life with Smilelign


Considering the long list of benefits that come from wearing clear aligners, it seems the best way to start your teeth straightening journey. But it’s often dismissed due to the interruption or inconvenience thought to be added onto your day-to-day life, often associated with traditional braces. However, with Smilelign, this couldn’t be further from the truth. We get it, we don’t want your daily schedules to change either. 

Exclusive to Smilelign, we offer a Pre-aligner system, giving you the chance to try aligners before you have to commit to full treatment. This way you can get a feel for the aligners and see if they’re something you can slot into your daily schedule. 

Morning Routine

Your morning routine doesn’t have to change, our clear braces are stress-free, and low maintenance. After your breakfast, whilst brushing your teeth, leave your aligners in lukewarm soapy water. Once you’ve finished brushing, use a soft bristled brush and gently clean the aligners. You’re then good to go! Pop the aligners in, and you’re set for the day. No need for added time or stress in your morning schedule. 

Eating Habits

A huge benefit to our clear brace system is that there are no dietary restrictions. Not a single one. You have the freedom to eat exactly what you're craving, just take out your aligners, and you’re all set. It really is as easy as that. We suggest after your meals you do give your teeth a quick clean, just to ensure your aligners stay as clean as possible. This way, your oral hygiene stays in tip-top condition throughout your treatment. 

The same goes for drinking anything other than water. Just quickly take them out to keep them in the best condition possible. 

Every Day Tasks

You don't have to worry about the clear aligners holding you back with your activities, either. With the aligners being virtually invisible, no one will notice, so there’s no reason to hide your smile doing what you love. 

Unlike traditional braces, you can collect your clear aligners from your dentist, and be on your way, there’s no need for the regular time-consuming ‘tightening sessions’. As long as you’re wearing your aligners for 2 weeks at a time (at least) your check-up will be super quick and simple. 

Night Time Routine

When it comes to bedtime, the process is somewhat similar to your morning routine. After your last meal, when you’re brushing your teeth, just give your aligner a thorough clean, ready to put back on. 

Wearing your aligner for a longer, and more consecutive amount of time has the most successful effect on your teeth straightening process. Making it incredibly important to wear them through the night, mainly to ensure your journey is as effective, and as quick as it can be, resulting in your final smile being the best you could have hoped for. 


Making sure your new aligners stay in the best condition is especially important, as they will become a contributing factor to your oral hygiene. Cleaning your clear braces isn’t something to just overlook, that’s why we suggest using the incredibly effective ‘Dentipur’ cleaning tablets. Used twice a week, to remove any excess bacteria. 

Place the tablet into lukewarm water for 15 minutes along with your aligner. After the  15 minutes has passed  your aligner will be sparkling, and ready for wearing again after a quick rinse with water. 

The hindrance of fixed braces is not a thing here at Smilelign, we want you to enjoy your journey with us. Therefore, we do our best to limit the amount of inconveniences, we think it’s much easier for you to slot it into your day to day life. 

We wish you the best with your teeth straightening journey, and be sure to share your results with us on Instagram! 

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