Why is a Healthy Smile Important?

The maintenance of your dental health goes further than just the aesthetic benefits of a squeaky clean smile. Your mouth can harbour a range of bacteria, which if left to fester, can cause a variety of health issues.

In honour of National Smile Month, we’re going to be exploring the importance of a healthy smile, and why it’s essential for you to clean yours…

Keeping your teeth for as long as possible

We only get one set of adult teeth in our lifetime, which is why it’s so important to care for them.

Failing to care for your smile can lead to a range of health issues, including cavities. Cavities can develop as a result of poor dental hygiene, when the bacteria in your mouth builds on, and around, your teeth and gums - penetrating the protective enamel of your teeth and attacking the more vulnerable layers beneath. If cavities aren’t treated swiftly, they can lead to dental infections which can result in tooth loss.

We all know that if you want something to last you need to take care of it - and the same applies to your teeth. As long as you’re caring for your smile, and having regular dental check-ups, your teeth can last forever!

Reducing the Risk of Disease

Your teeth and gums are very susceptible to a variety of serious conditions if they are not cared for correctly. Brushing and flossing certainly goes a lot further than having white teeth and good breath - and can actually be crucial in the prevention of more serious health issues.

If you fail to brush and floss your teeth twice daily, the bacteria can begin to accumulate - leading to a range of serious issues such as gum disease.

Gum disease starts to become an issue as tartar forms under the gum line, causing an infection in the gum tissue and leading onto periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease, and poor oral health, can lead on to a range of serious conditions such as:

  • coronary heart disease

  • Adverse pregnancy outcomes

  • Stroke

  • Hyperlipidaemia

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Obesity

  • Pulmonary infection

  • Malignant disease

  • Death risk in elderly

  • Decline in physical fitness

None of the above look, or sound, very pleasant - highlighting just how important it is for you to care for your smile.

Saves Your Money in the Long Run

A third of Britons don’t go to the dentist for financial reasons, and this is not a surprise as the cost of living rises drastically in the UK. However, when it comes to your dental health - it’s best to treat the problem before it worsens, as it will save you money in the long run.

The longer you leave a dental issue, the more complex it becomes - making it pricier to treat. If you have regular check-ups you can nip any of these issues in the bud - solving the problem swiftly and saving your pennies.

The list of reasons could go on, but we’re sure the above will have convinced you!

Ensure you’re caring for your teeth not only during National Smile Month, but all year round :)

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