The Health Benefits of Straight Teeth

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Confidence has a wealth of benefits, including an improved sense of self - heightened social skills and a greater ability to tackle the challenges that life can throw your way!

What’s more, people with a higher level of self-esteem tend to be more satisfied with their lives - and a lot happier too!

In today’s society there are a lot of factors that can affect your confidence, including the prevalence of social media and the habit of comparing ourselves to others (to name a few). Over time, these factors can wear us down, ultimately affecting our self-esteem and happiness. 

92% of patients embarking on their clear brace journey reported that their primary reason for straightening their teeth was to boost their confidence. In another study, 30% of patients claimed to have achieved more of their personal goals with their new straight teeth - giving them the motivation to seize more opportunities.

When looking at the stats above, it’s not hard to see why the cosmetic element is so important for those commencing with their Smilelign treatment, improving their self-esteem and giving them the grin of their dreams!

However, the benefits of Smilelign clear braces are more than just cosmetic, as straightened teeth can boast a wide range of health benefits too!

Health Benefits of Straightening your Teeth  

Individuality is important and there is nothing wrong with crooked teeth, adding an extra bit of charm to your smile. However, in some cases they can pose health risks that not only affect your dental health, but your overall health too!

Easier Cleaning

When misaligned teeth overlap, they can create little hard-to-reach pockets that are often neglected whilst brushing. Over time, food debris can become lodged in these hidden spaces, causing bad breath, soreness, sensitivity and even tooth loss!

Smilelign clear braces straighten your teeth, creating a larger surface area for cleaning, improving your dental hygiene and preventing further health issues.  

Pain Reduction

If you’ve been experiencing a few more headaches recently, or some unpleasant face and neck pain, then your misaligned bite could be the cause. When your teeth are misaligned, the bite force is unevenly distributed, putting strain on the muscles and nerves in your neck and face area. Over time, this can lead to some unpleasant aches and pains.

By straightening your smile, you re-align the bite - eradicating unpleasant muscle pain and improving your wellbeing!

Improved Digestion

When we think of the digestion process, we usually just visualize the stomach and intestines, forgetting that the entire process starts in the mouth! The act of chewing is critical in digestion, grinding your food down into more manageable chunks for your body to absorb and digest.

A good bite is essential for digestion, ensuring that your food is fine enough for your body to absorb the essential nutrients. If your bite is misaligned, your teeth may not be able to grind down your food properly - ultimately restricting your vitamin intake.

By straightening your teeth with a clear brace, you not only gain the smile of your dreams, but also improve your digestion and overall health!

It’s clear that straight teeth have a range of benefits that go further than just a pretty smile!

By straightening your teeth with Smilelign clear braces, you not only improve your confidence but also advance your dental hygiene - reducing muscle pain and aiding your digestion!

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